Your kind consideration and cooperation will be appreciated for your assistance as parents and guardians to ensure the following regulations are observed.
- Kindergarten Hours:
a. Session I – 8.30 a.m – 11.30 a.m.
b. Session II – 11.40 a.m – 2.40 p.m. - Regular attendance and punctuality are desired. In the case of absence, a M.C. should be produced.
- Timing: Children should not arrive at school (i) before 8.00 a.m. in the morning and (ii) before 11.20 a.m. for the second session as there will be no one to supervise at that time.
a. If picking up child personally, please inform the driver and the office.
b. Please be punctual to fetch your children.We require identification of the person (if it is someone else) picking up the child after school.
c. Do not hang around the hall after picking up your child.
- Uniforms:
a. Children must wear Kindergarten uniforms with clean white socks and shoes.
b. Provide a handkerchief/towel to your child.
c. T-Shirt/shorts to be worn for outings.
d. Bottle is allowed. We will refill for the children. - Both boys and girls should keep their hair neat, fingernails short and clean.
- Do not give sweets, money and toys to bring to school.
- For safety, jewellery should not be worn either.
- Please notify the kindergarten of any change of address or telephone number.
- Illnesses – Please report any complications or illness to the teacher or principal as soon as possible especially communicable diseases.
- You may accompany your child (if necessary) for the first three days only. For the betterment of the child, allow them to adjust to the new school life. Be assured that your child will settle in no time.
- Currently due to CODID-19, no visitation to the kindergarten. Communicate by the Diibear.
- In case of withdrawal, you need to give 4 weeks notice, during the term. Fees should be paid in full every term. No pro rata allowed if you go for a holiday.
- Food: Your child will have snacks (only vegetarian) provided by the school. No home food is allowed. Every Friday, children have to bring fruits from home (Cut and placed in a container).
- For transport enquiries call: Ms Wendy – 86916664
- If you need to send any money through your child/driver, please put in an envelope and write the name and class of the child.
- Goodie bags food items should be vegetarian and check date of expiry.